How to keep the laptop for as long as possible - Tech news

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Sunday 8 October 2017

How to keep the laptop for as long as possible

How to keep your laptop for long periods
keep your laptop

How to keep your laptop for long periods

In the past, we used large computers, but with the development, technology and time we are using laptops or laptops that are slimmer and faster. Now laptops are available to everyone at different prices and different specifications. Like all the other devices, the laptop has its own warranty period. And the care of the laptop becomes even more important, even from the warranty itself, if you use the laptop correctly, this ensures that you continue to work on the laptop for more years and even more than the warranty period, getting a good brand (good brand) is important but keeping the device The most important and some of these Ue to keep the Father top to keep with you for a longer ideal.

1. Maintain the laptop by cleaning

- Cleaning of dust

The cleanliness of your laptop is important, even if you think it is simple. You may see it as an unhelpful work, but the cleanliness of the laptop is a major factor in the long life of the device. When dust accumulates inside and outside the machine, Sensitive, which leads to some malfunctions of your device, clean your device by a cotton cloth first Powell, this is a small and useful.

- Clean hands

Also, hand hygiene when using a laptop is important because the soiled hands affect the keyboard very much and sometimes lead to erase the characters in the keyboard and also damage the device from the outside.

- Laptop fan cleaner

Clean your laptop fan from time to time, maybe 6 months to a year. This helps the machine to perform its tasks well and cleaning the fan helps cooling.

- Liquids

Avoid taking fluids near your laptop. This liquid may pour into the device and disable it, because we see a lot of tea cups, coffee or any other drinks around or above the device. This is not good and this fluid may be inside your computer.

2 - ways to maintain the laptop and its relationship with the circuits of the wrong keys

- Wrong circuit

Check the electrical circuits in your home and that the voltage is suitable for the device and also to ensure the quality of the system to avoid the separation of the device and the interruption and sudden arrival, where affects the device and damage some parts.

- Subscriber

The joint is a plate with a large number of power supply holes as you connect your device to make sure it is sound and does not work on shaking the power cord of the device.

- Electrical pulley (power outlet)

The outlet is installed in the wall and the power outlet is also sure to be safe when used in connecting your laptop.

- The charger

The laptop charger also has to be good and preferably original. This helps to keep your computer from being damaged. Try as far as possible to keep away from strange and unknown chargers. Volt may produce higher or lower requirements of the device and disable it.

3 - Tips to maintain laptops by regular maintenance

The laptop must be serviced and repaired at regular intervals
Something that affects the machine is the first Powell, but you should make sure of the laptop maintenance companies
Or device repairers who will be handed over by the device to be skilled
High and reliable to maintain these faults.

4. Suitable bag

The laptop bag should be suitable for him, as this protects the device from shocks, especially when used outside the home. A good bag means keeping the device from shocks during transportation and walking.

5 - scan files not important

You should periodically scan the important files on your computer and do a periodic cleanup of your device where the device collects many fake files and files that you opened in the past called history, clean it first Powell, and also scan the programs that may not have previously useful and no longer important once This also helps to improve the performance of the device

6. Good ventilation

The laptop must be well ventilated, do not place the device in places of high temperature and avoid putting it on the bed. Also, do not fill the ventilation fans while working on the device. Also put the device in the car while driving or cornering in sunny areas. Some parts of the device are damaged.

7 - not to put heavy objects on the laptop

Also, you should avoid placing heavy objects on the device, it may break something, either the screen or one of the buttons or break the device itself.

8. Antiviral

You should use anti-virus and anti-virus is good and there are many kinds of these programs spread on the Internet and markets, it keeps the device from viruses and also while surfing the Internet.

9 - Method of carrying the device

You should carry the laptop properly. What is this method? The device is loaded from the base, not from the screen, because the device is damaged from the screen.

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